That little trademark symbol up there? It means something. It means a 30-year-old commitment. It means that to us, “disruption” has never been a catchphrase or trend. It’s a mindset. It’s a behavior. You don’t dabble in Disruption®. You embody it, day in and day out.
Disruption® drives growth
Disruption is not destruction; it’s creation. It’s the antidote to incrementalism. From its outset, our Disruption® methodology has always been about business transformation.

Disruption® goes wider, higher, further
Disruption® works on many levels. When focused on the experience or the execution, it creates distinction and memorability. But its real superpower is in shaping long-term platforms, or brand ideas. They are springboards for creativity and sustained business success.
Disruption® needs diversity
In fact, it dies on the vine without it. Central to the idea of challenging convention is the rejection of sameness, of the expected. A range of diverse perspectives makes that kind of thinking and acting possible.

The magic of Disruption Days
One of the ways we practice Disruption® is through Disruption Days. They’re collaborative workshops that bring partners and specialists together to solve a company’s most pressing challenges, through a simple yet rich methodology. Disruption® is collaborative.